Indoor Air-Quality Surveys & Remediation
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
Recently professionals and public have begun to understand the importance of IAQ and the risks associated with contaminated air. Indoor air is approximately 90% more polluted than outdoor air. In 1984 the WHO suggested that 30% of new and rebuilt buildings worldwide may be the subject of excessive complaints related to IAQ. A wide range of health problems can be caused by indoor air pollution (IAP). Based on the scope and breadth of contamination in a building, symptoms can range from mild to severe.
Health effects associated with poor IAQ and IAP
- Ear, nose, eye and throat irritations and infections
- A headache
- Asthma
- Sick building syndrome (SBS)
- Sinusitis
- Rhinitis
- Skin Irritations
- Dizziness & nausea
- Reproductive problems
- Central nervous system disorders (CNC)
- Allergic sensitivity reactions
- Chronic fatigue
- Coughing
- Lack of concentration
- Sensitivity to odours
Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)
The terminology “Sick Building Syndrome” is used to describe situations in which building occupants experience varying degrees of health and comfort effects that appear to be linked to spending time either living or working in a building. No specific illness or cause can be highlighted.
Complaints can be localised to one room or may apply to the whole building.
Indications of SBS
Headaches, eye, nose and throat irritations, dry cough, breathing difficulties, dry and itchy skin, dizziness, nausea, difficulty in concentrating, fatigue and sensitivity to odour.
Causes are unknown; occupants experience relief soon after leaving the building.
Building Related Illness (BRI)
Building-related illness is coined when symptoms of diagnosable illnesses are identified and can be directly attributed to airborne building contaminants. Frequently problems result when a building is operated or maintained in a manner, which is inconsistent with its original scope of operation. Sometimes IAQ problems are a direct result of building design or occupant activities.
Indications of BRI
Coughs, chest tightness, fever, chills and muscle aches.
Symptoms clinically defined and have clearly diagnosable causes quite often complainants require longer recovery time especially as re-exposure can be frequent.
Central Air Conditioning Duct Cleaning
Air ventilation ducts naturally accumulate deposits of fine dust over a period of time. A combination of high moisture and temperature within these ducts often promotes growth of mould and bacterial colonies. These deposits can reduce the efficiency of the ventilation system by causing drag on the cool airflow, create a fire hazard and cause physical discomfort by degrading the air quality.
To improve the air quality and efficiency the internal components of the air ducts need to be properly clean and sanitise. Source removal is a recognise method to improve the air system. Various tools are utilised including air whips, rotating brushes, negative air pressure vacuums.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
In the residential home or commercial building, people are exposed to a variety of chemicals. Populations around the world are becoming more sensitive to chemicals. Possibly due to overexposure over a long period of time of successive generations of people. Multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) can be slight to extreme. People react to one chemical or too many. For IAQ purposes we collate under the heading of Indoor Air Pollutants (IAP).
VOC’s can be omitted from various sources
Hydrocarbon-based products
Cleaning chemicals
Toilet cleaners
The list is endless in our modern society.
MVOC’s – these are Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds
Microscopic plants
Moulds proliferate when there is sufficient moisture, the temperature is ideal and there is a food source. When these parameters are right mould will proliferate and grow very quickly. In a mould colony, there can be between 1 million to 10 million spores per square inch of visible mould growth. Mould can proliferate between temperature ranges of 0 to 50 degree centigrade with water activity (WA Dew point is 1) above 60 per cent. Common moulds in residential and commercial buildings are usually defined to four types. Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladosporium, Stachybotrys, Mould spores ejected into air system can cause respiratory ailments, skin disorders, fatigue and dizziness.
Allergens are organic particles that trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Pollutants are carried around in air currents, air currents can be natural air movements, from air conditioning, open windows, forced air fans, vacuum cleaners, people walking. These pollutants can consist of pollens, animal dander, fibres, hair follicles, dust mite faeces, moulds and mildew spores plus many more. Respirable allergens can cause many distressful symptoms including asthma, sinusitis, rhinitis, and eczema.
House Dust Mites (HDM)– D Farinae, D Pteronyssinus
We all live with dust mites, they are everywhere that humans inhabit. There is a fallacy that they bite they do not. They live off our dead skin as well as any other organic food source. If we breathe in or come in contact with their faeces and or broken body parts, sensitive individuals can experience breathing difficulties, sinusitis, rhinitis, eczema and asthma. The reduction of dust mite colonies can significantly improve the health of sensitive individuals.
Other allergens
Dog and cat allergens – in fact, any warm-blooded animal with hair or fur can cause allergic reactions.
Cockroaches – cockroach allergens (the brown slime of cockroaches) have been known in urban areas of Cities to cause the highest allergic reactions amongst populations.
Pollens – from trees, plants and grasses are produced cyclically throughout the year. Indoor air is less affected by pollens than outdoor air.
It can be seen from above that it is virtually impossible to avoid all sensitisers and triggers. Although minimizing exposure can reduce symptoms dramatically.
Thermdry UK has devised and implemented many methods and techniques to clean, reduce, minimize and remove potential allergenic/chemical components utilising state of the art methods to enhance the air we breathe.
List of Services:
Indoor Air Quality Assessments (IAQ)
Central Air Conditioning Duct Cleaning (HVAC)
House Dust Mite control (HDM’s)
Allergen control in the indoor environment (Respirable and Inhalable dust)
Control of Indoor Air Pollutants (IAP)
Chemical and Multiple Chemical sensitivities control and removal (CS and MCS)
Call Thermdry for further information or to arrange a site visit on 07800 981133 or if you prefer, fill in our contact form
We offer this service in Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire. Dependant on the severity we can offer our services throughout England.